Team Member Bios

🍕 Omar Khan

Role in Project: Software development (Frontend/Backend)

Bio: I’m still trying to figure out if I prefer frontend or backend development (or both). Whatever the discipline though, what’s truly important to me is that I enjoy the journey the project takes me through.

🎤 Wonkeun No

Role in Project: Front end software development

Bio: I was a vehicle infotainment engineer in an automotive company. Currently I study computer programming and analysis in Seneca college to pursue a more exciting career for the future.

📯 Tracy Xie

Role in Project: Visuals + Video

Bio: I’m a designer working primarily in branding and identity. I like to explore as many industries as I can in my work to learn unexpected lessons.

🪴 Priyanka Mukherjee

Role in Project: Data Analytics

Bio: Priyanka is a data and BI enthusiast currently working in the fintech industry.

✌️ Lisa Guo

Role in Project: Designer

Bio: I’m a Product Designer working and living in Toronto. I love using the principles of design thinking to explore different types of problems with unconventional yet simple solutions.

Challenge Area

Monitoring systems to support remote elder care

Use smart, secure and non-invasive IoT technology to develop solutions to enable loved ones and health professionals to Improve patient outcomes (such as medication, diet, movement) and detect and report anomalies (such as fall, stroke, breathing) without being intrusive (such as CCTV or bracelets) . Sponsors will provide Azure instances and/or pay for IoT devices chosen by the teams.

Our group selected this challenge area because it was relatable to all of us. We brainstormed on both the telemedicine and elder care areas and felt that elder care offered a more personal lens as anecdote after anecdote was exchanged.